Where your insecurities turn into your purpose.

Your confidence is sacred, it's time to treat it as such. Sacred Exploration is your guide to uncover your confidence & courage buried under the layers of self-doubt clouding your path.

Fulfilling your dream as an impactful yoga teacher starts here: Apply Now

You're over your current wants & actions not lining up. 

It doesn't matter how hard you try, it feels like things never work out as you plan. You question if you're on the right path and making the right choices. It's so frustrating with how easy it is for others to start teaching yoga, be authentic, and seem so in control.

What is different from what they're doing to what you're doing?

It's all in how you harness your yoga.

What if the very practice you've come to adore could help you...

What you need is practical yoga skills to use in real-life scenarios.

Release overwhelm

 in minutes and take strategic steps that actually get you towards your goals - like designing a kick-ass sequence.

Nudge anxiety

to the side so you can stop worrying about the worst-case scenarios - and be cool as a cucumber when a student doesn't love your class.

Let go of frustration

and anger that bubbles to the surface when you feel out of control and want to blow up or shut down.

Look past disappointment

that keeps you second-guessing yourself and questioning why this is happening to you and your worth as a person & yoga teacher.

It's yoga like you've never practiced before.

Yoga has been passed on from teacher to student for thousands of years. But when yoga made the journey to the west the wisdom that you so desperately crave for today was left behind.

Instead, you've been taught to flow out your worries on a mat in a hot room with people who are strangers. Then you're expected to keep your yoga zen until your next practice without any practical application or guidance beyond the four corners of your mat. 

Your regular yoga practice has its place. I'm here to help you change how you use yoga to feel confident and courageous in every aspect of your life - adapted with a modern twist for your modern yoga life.

Each Sacred Exploration candidate is carefully selected to ensure that Taylor's specific skillset is ideal for you and that you're serious about this commitment to your future as a yoga teacher.

Your journey to confidence begins now.

"Sacred Explorations have become pivotal in my practice. Every time I meet with Taylor, she intuitively knows what I need and provides a session that addresses my needs on that very day. Very insightful program."

Deb Malave
What's included:

4-month coaching container

8 x 1-hour sessions bi-weekly

Personalized movement & meditation practice each session

2x review of a yoga sequence of your choice (60 mins or less each) with feedback

Individual coaching

Recording of each session 

Post-session "homeplay" that is reviewed and expanded upon


Everything from above plus...

4x review of yoga seuqnce of your choice (60 mins or less each) with feedback

120 day between session support: Message me anytime, anywhere & get a response within 24 hours, Monday-Friday

  • 01Customer
  • 02Payment

Contact information

Billing address

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment$1996.00
  • Preferred option
    4x monthly payments4x $499.00
  • Preferred option
    VIP One-time payment *Best Value$2996.00
  • Preferred option
    VIP 4x monthly payments4x $749.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xSacred Exploration$0

All prices in USD


Soothe your questions before you fully commit to your confidence. I want to ensure that you're fully ready to take this next step completely supported.

  • Are the sessions in-person or online?
    All calls are online. Please have a space where you can practice yoga and/or meditate and speak to the camera.
  • What happens during each session?
    Each session begins with a tailored yin yoga, meditation, or Pranayama exercise. The remainder of time is spent moving through blocks you are currently facing, practicing actionable tips, or reviewing homework from the previous session.
  • What's the time commitment?
    Each session is one hour with the exception of our very first session which is 1.5 hours. 6 session packages are designed with bi-weekly calls in mind for a total of 3 months. I understand that life happens and if sessions can't be done bi-weekly you have a total of 6 months to use your sessions.
  • What's included?
    Each session includes a recording of the session, homework to further your self-awareness, a tailored practice to your current needs, and individualized coaching.

    VIP students get additional 1-on-1 support for 90 days, starting the after first call. This support includes access to me anytime from Monday-Friday to help you move through tough spots between sessions.
  • Can I get a refund?
    No. If something unexpected comes up client situations will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine the appropriate course of action that is best for both parties.
  • Are there payment plans?
    Yes! You may opt to pay monthly for the regular or VIP options.
  • What kind of people is Sacred Exploration for?
    Yoga students and yoga teachers! The passion for yoga comes in all forms. Whether you want to start a yoga business, teach online or in a studio, or share what you learn from yoga with your family, all can benefit from the tools, techniques, and learnings from Sacred Exploration. Your students and those closest to you will thank you!